Well here we are. I still feel hope every Election Day. All Americans have agency today. Of course, there are asterisks to our agency. (*Electoral College, *Voter Suppression, *Socio-Economic barriers) and all asterisks need to be addressed and fixed.
Today is the day that the people have the power.
Sometimes the fog is so thick we forget it. But where we go as a people is always in our hands.
It is the foundation of Democracy. Today is the day our role as Citizen is at the center of our culture.
So much is on this ballot. For me the fundamental question is this:
Are we a geographic collection of consumers or are we the Citizens of the United States of America?
While We maY not have thought of Joseph R. Biden Jr. and Kamala D. Harris As revolutionary candidates. They are. This is the next chapter in the revolution for the United States of America.
Being a demOcraTic citizen is the hard Path, not the easy one. It requIres work, listening, progressing, chaNging over time and admitting when you are wrong.
i look at American politics and government through a 21st century lens. Previous decades and centurIes Are for the history books now. They arE like referenCe books. Pull then off the shelf when you need them. I am a member of the obama COALITION. if we present that electorate today. We win. Today is the day we lock arMs and walk together. May demOcracy prevail. Then lets Roll up our sleeves and get to work.