This is what Climate Change Looks Like.
It is time for all of us to
Wake the fuck up.
The western coastline of the United States is becoming the burned edge of an over-cooked fried egg.
Australia dealt with this last February.
We keep passing the hot potato back and forth from Hemisphere to Hemisphere.
When started by some superficial cultural trend like a ‘gender reveal’ or a dragging diesel chain sparking on a highway, let’s call these what they are:
man-made fires that destroy the environment.
Wild fires are a naturally occurring phenomenon that start from a lightning strike.
if a single human act can have this much impact on the natural world, our environment is far too fragile.
There is a day coming, sooner than we want, that
we cannot look away, drive away or wish this away.
Boomers abdicated their responsibility for this either through weak moderate political views, the wrong political view, lack of understanding or selling out.
This is not an american political issue.
especially when one side of the binary scale has it’s head in the sand completely.
THis is our issue to fix.
generation x. and beyond.
We need to make cumulative, cooperative changes based on science and good faith. And we need to do it right fucking now.
We must be responsible for our children sake.
green new deal or bust. i accept nothing less.
Noah Berger for the AP
Josh Edelson for Agence France-Press
Adrees Latif for Reuters