Jimbo Mathus & Andrew Bird - Three White Horses and a Golden Chain
Daft Punk 1993 - 2021
One of the best show I have ever seen.
Rose Marcario talks with David Gelles from the New York Times
Lebron - David Barco
Nakashima Studio Space
Mrs Eames
Amanda Gorman - The Hill We Climb, Biden, Harris Inauguration Day, 2021.
Floored. Today we worshipped at the Temple of Democracy. “Democracy has Prevailed” -President Biden. Amen.
President Obama's Statement on January 6, 2021
The Pfizer-Biontech Vaccine against Covid-19
and the people who developed it.
Fleet Foxes and Resistance Revival Chorus - Can I Believe You from Shore on Colbert, 2020
A beautiful, hopeful (not naive) record for right now - perfectly captured in this performance.
I love how Robin Pecknold doesn’t sing in the church just the Resistance Revival Chorus.
Joan Miró
Election Day in America, 2020
Well here we are. I still feel hope every Election Day. All Americans have agency today. Of course, there are asterisks to our agency. (*Electoral College, *Voter Suppression, *Socio-Economic barriers) and all asterisks need to be addressed and fixed.
Today is the day that the people have the power.
Sometimes the fog is so thick we forget it. But where we go as a people is always in our hands.
It is the foundation of Democracy. Today is the day our role as Citizen is at the center of our culture.
So much is on this ballot. For me the fundamental question is this:
Are we a geographic collection of consumers or are we the Citizens of the United States of America?
While We maY not have thought of Joseph R. Biden Jr. and Kamala D. Harris As revolutionary candidates. They are. This is the next chapter in the revolution for the United States of America.
Being a demOcraTic citizen is the hard Path, not the easy one. It requIres work, listening, progressing, chaNging over time and admitting when you are wrong.
i look at American politics and government through a 21st century lens. Previous decades and centurIes Are for the history books now. They arE like referenCe books. Pull then off the shelf when you need them. I am a member of the obama COALITION. if we present that electorate today. We win. Today is the day we lock arMs and walk together. May demOcracy prevail. Then lets Roll up our sleeves and get to work.
Robert Reich and Six Races that can Flip the Senate in 2020.
I always love how Robert Reich frames ‘the why’. I trust his mind. These are the people that can replace decaying corroded seats in the U.S. Senate.
The Qualified Immunity Doctrine
We have to rethink this concept.
Ruth Bader Ginsberg, 1933 - 2020
Thank you Justice Ginsberg for all you did (and will continue to do) for the citizens of United States of America. I imagine all the adversity she fought through in her life and I wonder if I live my life with the same amount of courage. I heard someone discussing the ‘founding fathers’ of the United States recently. This journalist had a thoughtful point of view on what that means. Since the United States is a work in progress, (for example, our ‘founding fathers’ were the only individuals in society at the time who had franchise, rights, and power. many owned slaves) the people who ‘founded’ our society should be fluid and reflect our progress over time. Justice Ginsberg is a founding mother of our society. She punched the ceiling so many times it’s a wonder she still had hands. She was a giant. As said by her granddaughter in the piece below, it may be her late career dissents that are the most prophetic in the course of our democracy in the years ahead. She had the innate ability to write as if she was in a dark room and she held the only flashlight. May her passing and her death be the kick in the ass we all need to defend and protect the United States of America. Which includes protecting it from ourselves.
'Wild' Fires in the United States.
This is what Climate Change Looks Like.
It is time for all of us to
Wake the fuck up.
The western coastline of the United States is becoming the burned edge of an over-cooked fried egg.
Australia dealt with this last February.
We keep passing the hot potato back and forth from Hemisphere to Hemisphere.
When started by some superficial cultural trend like a ‘gender reveal’ or a dragging diesel chain sparking on a highway, let’s call these what they are:
man-made fires that destroy the environment.
Wild fires are a naturally occurring phenomenon that start from a lightning strike.
if a single human act can have this much impact on the natural world, our environment is far too fragile.
There is a day coming, sooner than we want, that
we cannot look away, drive away or wish this away.
Boomers abdicated their responsibility for this either through weak moderate political views, the wrong political view, lack of understanding or selling out.
This is not an american political issue.
especially when one side of the binary scale has it’s head in the sand completely.
THis is our issue to fix.
generation x. and beyond.
We need to make cumulative, cooperative changes based on science and good faith. And we need to do it right fucking now.
We must be responsible for our children sake.
green new deal or bust. i accept nothing less.
Noah Berger for the AP
Josh Edelson for Agence France-Press
Adrees Latif for Reuters
Chadwick Boseman
We lost a creative giant far too soon.